1. Why did ADAPT Jr. tell me that my file is not compatible when I tried to upload it?
You probably uploaded a file that is not a .txt file. ADAPT Jr. can only read .txt files. Please convert your input file to a .txt file and try again.
2. Why is ADAPT Jr. is telling me that there is something something wrong with the uploaded file?
There may be some odd illegal character that is bypassing error checking in your file. To resolve this, I recommend trying to remove all non UTF-8 characters in your file. Lots of text editors have this functionality.
3. Why is ADAPT Jr. telling me there is something wrong with the output file?
Uh oh, that probably means theirs something wrong with our code. Send me an email at txaa2019@mymail.pomona.edu along with the file you tried to upload and I will do my best to take a look.
4. Why is ADAPT Jr. telling me there is a database error?
Uh oh, that probably means theirs something wrong with our code. Send me an email at txaa2019@mymail.pomona.edu along with the file you tried to upload and I will do my best to take a look.
5. What if I want to bulk process a lot of files at once?
Sorry, that function does not exist at the moment :(
6. My file is taking forever to process! What's going on?
That's odd. Unless you've uploaded the most gargantuan .txt file in the world, ADAPT Jr. should run very quickly. Refresh and try again.
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